Birding trips
Here in the state of Yucatán we have 432 of the 540 bird species registered for the entire Yucatan peninsula. Just in Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve more Than 388 different bird species have been recorded.
The best way to enjoy your birding and natural history experience is to be accompanied by a local guide who has been trained to identify birds with their English names.
This permits you to visit places you never would have found on your own, as well as to better understand local costums, beliefs and practices.
This permits you to visit places you never would have found on your own, as well as to better understand local costums, beliefs and practices.
We can also take you to other good birding spots. In Quintana Roo to our east we can go to Cozumel and Felipe Carrillo Puerto (Sian Ka'an). In Campeche we go to Calakmul. Here in Yucatan we can visit Chichén Itzá, Río Lagartos, Celestún, etc.
Yucatan Wren,Yucatan Bobwhite
Mexican Sheartail,Carnivet's emerald,
Ruby-throated Hummingbird,
Golden-fronted Woodpecker,
Grove-billed Ani,Tropical kingbird,
Tropical Mockingbird,Brown-crested
Flycatcher,Turquoise-browed Motmot,Vermilion Flycatcher,
Mangrove Vireo,Rose-throated Becard,
Plain Chachalaca,,
Mangrove Cuckoo,White-lored Gnatcatcher and
many more...........
By Boat
Mexican Bare-throated Tiger-heron,
Roseate Spoonbill,Woodstork,
Blue-winged Teal,Boat-billed heron,
Snowy and Great Egrets,Reddish Egrets,
White Ibis,Tri-colored and Little Blue
Herons,Pygmy KingFisher
Brown and White Pelicans,
Magnificent Frigatebird,
Anhinga, Double Breasted Cormorant,Royal and
Sandwich Terns,Herring,Ring-billed and Laughing Gulls,Green Heron.
I hope you will let me guide you around. My guiding fee, with someone else driving, is $140US/day. If I drive it's $200US/day.
This price includes night birding if you're interested.
For more detail and information talk to me or send email:
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